The old renter still isn't out of Jack's grandpa's house so we can't start painting or any of the thousand and one things I wanted to do before we move. In the meantime, we have sold our house and already packed and moved a few things to my in-laws' barn. That means we have already started the "Where is the . . ." "Oh, we already moved that." I did get to go in the house for the first time in ten years and do some measuring and decided what needed doing before we moved and what could become my summer projects.
At the same time, the current house still has things that need tending to. Jack mowed again; I finally gave up and did some cleaning in the laundry room and Bell's room. I think I had been hoping we could just move and I would just clean what didn't fit in a box. I also gave in and hoed the beans and peas. Throw in end of semester chaos at school and my moving classrooms, and we are living a circus life.
The gardener in me is dismayed that Huxley hasn't deterred the deer. That could be because he is asleep at the foot of my bed when the deer sneak in the yard. Once again, they have eaten the tops out of beans and peas. I have used an anti-deer spray before, but I decided that it was too expensive for the three little rows of beans that I have. I could buy a lot of beans for the same price. I did pick some tonight and should have enough for supper by tomorrow. The army worms seem to have been vanquished and the asparagus has come back to life now that it isn't under attack. I even picked enough broccoli for supper and to share with Jack's mom. We are on year two of huge beautiful brussels sprout plants that have nary a spout on them. I think I need to get a book on sprouts. The strawberries are out there, though not as plentiful as I would like. Perhaps the highlight is eating the first ripe tomato yesterday.
So we haven't started life on the farm just yet, but it is soon.