I have spent a lot of these first 6 weeks on the farm cleaning, putting away, and just generally puttering about. I do a little yard work, a little re-arranging of things I thought I had put in the right spot. I do a little cooking and little garden planning. I did have some actual house projects planned and am thankfully done with some of them.

Take this couch for instance. It is a perfect couch to take a nap on or to curl up on to read. It is not a good couch to sit demurely and lady-like on while sipping tea with grandmotherly types. It is just too deep - my legs stick straight out like a small child's. It also needs re-upholstered. I can't justify the expense of having it professionally done, so I made a slip cover out of chocolate colored sheets (cheap and big) for the body and then got some upholstery fabric in green and chocolate for the back cushions. I hope I never have to do this again. It was a horrid experience that resulted in a few frustrated tears. May the couch fairy bring a new couch before this slip cover falls apart from my in-expert seamstress abilities. In the meantime, at least it can be washed and dried if it gets icky.

Curtains are also not my forte. This fabric was originally intended for the couch cushions, but I underestimated the amount of fabric needed for the couch so it became kitchen curtain material instead. I must put on record that there WAS enough fabric for curtains . . . but once again, I didn't figure well and they came out too short by about half an inch. I will be looking for a red or chocolate fringe or border to go along the bottom. For now, at least the windows are covered. It was not a fun project, though anything involving sewing is never fun for me.

Two projects that I really loved were refinishing Bell's desk and dresser. The

dresser once came from Harold's brother and was pretty scratched with an orange-ish brown colored stain and flaking varnish. The desk was one I picked up at a thrift store, originally for me. Once home, I decided it was too small for my needs and Bell claimed it. The desk, too, had peeling varnish. I stripped and sanded both pieces and then in lieu of stain and varnish, just oiled them down. The desk came out prettier, but it was much higher quality wood. These are the sorts of projects that I really get into and am actually a bit sorry I am out of things to refinish.

Those are really the only big house projects for now. We even got some pictures on a few walls. We are trying to get my sis to make some art for the other walls. When we get a chance, we will be building bookshelves around another desk I bought (and fell in love with) from a great little shop in Marlow that sells refinished old peices. Then, we might get all the books out of boxes. We also have some kitchen projects planned and need to finish painting trim, but Jack will probably do those in the fall when he has time off, but Bell and I are packed off to school for the day. Oddly enough, he gets more done when we aren't around.
Wow wee, Bella has some kinda pink walls! She and my boys do have lots in common.