Sunday, October 28, 2012


This was written last night when the insomnia and distractions almost got me.  But they did not.  Somehow, the act of writing was almost as numbing as reading Campbell at bed time.   I was literally too sleepy to post:

I have about forty two things on the back burner of my brain.  Even though they are all things that can wait, I want to just hurry up and go.  I am not really a patient person.  As soon as I get an idea in my head, it becomes either an obsessive need or it is something I fret over.

This moment right now should be about losing my self in sleep.  Instead I hear Jack's cousin's hounds down by the water.  I am sure they are after a coon and I am sure they think it is fun.  I am not having  as much fun as they are.  The geese have been stirred up and sound like they are going take the roof with them as they fly over.  So I am awake and I list.

I know a lot of list makers.  I am sure it is a control thing for me.  Yep, I am super organized, but better, it gives me a semblance of control over the circus life we live.

So this list.  The haircut I need to get from Misti.  The fall pic we need to do for the family Christmas card.  Jack wants the cards out early so people have our new address.  The perfect trick for my challenging hour - the fix from last week has already worn off.  It may just be that I have to get beyond bitchy and there be no room for any sort of fun.  Insurance.  What to do with Nora the cat.  Find a tree to plant in front.  Christmas shopping.

And before I know it, the list has taken on a life of its own and I am frantic about things that do not matter tonight.  So the dogs will bark.  They always get quiet eventually.  I have not harmed the owner of said dogs.  Yet.


  1. I get that way near the end of the year. I always feel like there's stuff that I need to hurry up and get done and then I'm excited and ready to get started on the things in the New Year.

    I have a box of Chris's lists in the basement.

  2. the list. mine is ever present. "I'll put it on the list." everything from re-caulking the bathtub, to fixing the doors on the shed, to pulling up the carpet, to buying fresh cat litter. Man, it's a list.

    I think it's something we all do. Like Cindy said, we all just kind of get fiercely zoned in around this time of the year

    I understand all too well the noise that interrupts the sleep. Real noise. Voices in your head noise.

    When it's quiet...oh it feels so good
