There is always something bittersweet about leaving Bluejacket. I know that eventually there will be no more trips. This just breaks my heart to think about and I have to resist the urge to look over my shoulder as we round the curve past the farm.

It was a good trip though. Misti gave me a great haircut when we passed through the city, and we still managed to make our destination by early afternoon. The first day was really our only good weather day, so we took the opportunity to take Bell down to the creek. She wanted to build a fire so Grandpa let us burn off some brush that had been piling up during the spring rains. We took a trip back to Jenks and explored the Oklahoma Aquarium. If you have the chance to go, be sure to time it so you get to see the otters and beaver being fed. I think Jack and I enjoyed the day as much as Bell even though it was her birthday trip. There were calves being born every day. One was to a wild cow and the cowboy cousin and his buddies spent two days chasing the cow all over the country trying to reunite it with its calf. Bell was fascinated with the process of getting that baby to nurse after the cow had finally been captured. There were fires in the fireplace every night with marshmallow roasting. Hay pyramids had to be climbed in the big barn and wood was cut on the creek bottom. It was just a good trip. Not too busy, but not too slow. We are already hoping time and jobs and circumstances allow a trip back in a month or two. Jack and Bell are plotting a camp out on the creek.

We came home to plenty of work. I brought home a sack each of vinca vine shoots and hollyhocks that I need to get in the ground this morning. Huxley is filthy and gets a bath this morning if he can be caught. Some small blond thing has a birthday next week and I haven't bought anything yet. There is no food in this house beyond frozen chicken so a trip to town is in the works for this afternoon. Sometime this weekend, I need to give the plants in the greenhouse bigger pots. Spring break is all but gone. That part I hate. I really want a week of warm weather here to air out the house and spring clean.
On the other hand, I am also ready to get this last hard month of school over with. I have an essay a week planned for my kids. Review for the state tests will take up the rest of our time. One hard month and then we can relax a little in May. Maybe we can work in some fun things then.
In the meantime, I still have a few days off.
Ohmygosh. That is brilliant. One Hard Month. That's all we've got left. We can totally do that! YES WE CAN!!! I'm so pleased you had a soul-filling trip. I love everything you did, and more importantly, that you were present for each moment and just soaked it all in. The frantic bubbling of the last days of Break are swirling around my feet today, but I feel better knowing that we've really just got one hard month left.
That child looks so happy in that top picture. I love it.