Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Little Sister Not So Little

one of my favs, even though not the best of the day
I know I have written here about my little sis before and since she is graduating this month, I am sure I will again in the coming weeks.

Rachel is almost 20 years younger than me.  She was born the summer I came home after my freshman year of college.  She was more like a pet when she was little, but the older she gets, the more we have in common and enjoy about each other.

She finally got her braces off last week and asked me to take her senior pictures.  We were under the gun on time because the deadline for her senior slide show is this coming Sunday.   I might should have been nervous because I am not the photographer in the family.  That is Jack's title.  I have never shot anything important.  But here is the deal.  My sis has never been comfortable in front of a camera.  She is shy.  Really shy with people she doesn't know.  At times she has lacked confidence about her appearance because she is really tall, 5'11", and towers over everyone.  She has gone through the typical gawky stages, but has come out a beauty and doesn't know it.  Anyway.  Shy means she isn't comfortable with most men taking her picture so I got to be the lucky one.

Lucky, lucky, lucky.  That is said with not a drop of sarcasm because we had fun.  She has found a grace and confidence in the last few months, letting her have fun with the pictures.  She smiled with out being asked.  She held shoulders back and looked unfalteringly into the camera.  We shot with my favorite wooden chair, on an old tractor, against trees and vine covered walls, astride fences, and with feet in the lake.  We shot till she was worn out.

They weren't perfect.  Thanks to my janky  hand, I shook a lot and cut the top of her head off occasionally.  I didn't know to have her dip her chin down at times and we had a few light issues.  But a lot of those pictures were really beautiful - it was if we both just knew what to do and it was perfect.

I just had so fun much taking her pictures and am relieved that there are shots she can be proud to show off.  At the same time, I just can't believe she is this big.  Doesn't seem like it should be so.

1 comment:

  1. That's why it's OK to take a bazillion shots. I'm sure you did an outstanding job. And I don't mean as just a photographer. I'm sure you've done an outstanding job as big sister.
