Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hey, Teach

First day.  Those are loaded words.  Excitement. Dread.  Chaos.  Fear.  Noise.  Stress.

So much depends on the first day - the kids have impressions to make on their peers and teachers, but we have impressions to make too.  We have to lay down the law and get our bluff in, but we also have to make it clear that we are there to teach and help, not just dictate and talk at them.

Today was a good first day, so much better than the tidal wave that swept me away last year.  It just sucks to be the new kid.  All those new faces and policies and procedures.  This year felt good. I could greet kids by name as we began the morning.  I was excited to see my compatriots.

I must have scared a few kids at least - there were drops to sign by the time I finished telling them how much their brains would hurt if they stayed in AP.  Did you catch that?  Yep, I am so excited about this AP Lang and Comp class.  A bit intimidated, but jazzed just the same.

Other kids warmed my heart when they just confidently nodded when I assured them that we would cover a 30 page chapter on rhetoric tomorrow.

Two seniors even volunteered to be my aides.  One of them lectured my juniors on how much he hated my class last year until he figured out (thanks to his ACT score) that he learned more in my room than anywhere else last year.  He pretty much painted me as the wicked witch of English that they would grow to love.  I don't have to have their approval, but I do need them to believe in me and buy what I am selling; however, I won't complain about being liked.

I hope all our  new teachers had a good beginning. I remember how hard that was last year.  I don't think I realized how hard it was until today went so well.  Bella's day went well too.  When asked about her teacher, she told someone in my building that her teacher was beautiful, much more than last year's teacher.  (For the record, Bell and I both really liked last year's teacher, though she was more the Grandma type as opposed to the 20 something fresh out of college teacher for this year.)

So, the first day.   It is the beginning of our season of business, late nights grading, grouchy mornings, hurried coffee, homework,.  Good to be an Owl.

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