Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Plan

I know all about best laid schemes going gang aft agley, but we are setting a plan in motion.  Seems like forever that Jack and I have talked about someday.  Someday we'd like to have a green house.  Someday we will plant this or that. Someday we will travel.  Someday I will move on from teaching.  Someday. Someday. Someday.  

Someday is here.  In a month we are moving to Jack's parents' place.  They are getting older and have some health issues and just could use someone else around.  We will move into Jack's grandpa's old house next door to my in-laws.  I am really excited about the move - I am just ready for some change, but I also really love the family I married into.  Plus, the child can have a closer relationship with that half of the family.  

On top of the move, there is a little land that isn't really being utilized.  Jack and I are going to dabble in some farming.  Maybe a little farm to market type gardening, a little orchard, hoop houses.   Maybe someday it will be bigger.    Of course I am dreaming of it being a real going concern, but that is years and years away . . . if ever.    In the meantime, I will continue to drive to Comanche to teach and we will farm in our spare time.  We are not totally sure, but thinking that this enterprise will be The Nitty Gritty Farm.  We want to do it right - we are taking every seminar and weekend class we can find.  We are going to spend the fall and winter laying things out and planning.  So maybe in the spring .  .  .  pretty things will come from our farm to your table.


  1. Love the name! And most especially LOVE that you are taking a LEAP!

  2. Yeah...I'm completely in love with this idea.

  3. Standing up and clapping from Brokedown Palace. I'm so proud of you guys! I love it. I love this blog. I love the leaping. LEAPS FOR EVERYONE!!!

  4. It's a good start on your blog. May you have a great start on your life, too. Change is always exciting. Toby and I took a few horticulture seminars at the Noble Foundation in Ardmore years ago. They are always inventive when it comes to greenhouses and gardens.
