Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Quiet

I am really unused to quiet and solitude.   Last night Jack took her to a Girl Scout lock in and he didn't get in until after I was in bed, and now he has gone back for crafts morning.  It is so strange here.

I spent my evening in a slow bath and watching Sherlock.  I spent some of it beng weepy . . . I have been really emotional lately, some depressed, some stressed.  In such a tiny house I try not to give in to those moments because I am afraid it would be contagious.  This morning was a slow, sweet, quiet morning with Jack Dear.  We don't get many of those since we are too far away for Bell to easily stay over at my mom's.  She used to do that every now and then so we could have an "us" night.

It is chilly and damp, I've had my coffee and a smoothie.  I am curled up in leggings and one of Jack's big shirts.  Pioneer Woman is on, not Disney channel.  I am going to let myself have a bit more slow time, but I need to do some  clearing in Bell's room.  She is a hoarder and still has toys she has long out grown.  I am going to put them in a trunk and put them in the barn for now until I can finally talk her into letting go completely.  This has to happen while she is gone this morning.

I have promised to go with Jack's mama and her garden club friends to lunch and on a home tour.  I have to say this.  My mother-in-law is wonderful.  I would do anything for her . . . including  cheerfully spending this day on a home tour.  Not my thing.  I don't typically like trendy homes.  I really am not up to lots of little old ladies I don't know.  It is all far too much politeness.  Oohing and awing.  But it is for Rubilee and it is far better than lots of Girl Scout moms I might have to chit chat with.

So just a little more couch time and then I have to turn into a person with make up and everything.

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