Saturday, May 18, 2013

A little spoiled

This morning as I type, I sit on the back porch.  There is an absolute cacophony in the trees.  I can't see the birds, but I hear a whipporwhill who is up late.  There is a woodpecker.  The rest I can't identify, but they are chatty this morning.  As it gets hot, they will settle down, but for now there is a gentle breeze and it is glorious.

I had thought to go for a run - I have sworn I will get back in that routine - but I need Jack to mow a path through pasture and over the lake dam for me.  Now the weeds and grass are knee deep and wet from dew.  Instead, I opted for a cup of good coffee and the back porch.  The humming bird feeder is a few feet away.  They were miffed with me at first, but have decided that they can breakfast even with me here.    The herbs are wafting over their damp early morning smells . . . idyllic.

I am feeling pretty spoiled these days.  I had worried that Jack would be gone so much that we would never see him with this new job, but so far - fingers crossed, knock on wood - it is going well.  He has a job that pays bills.  We are starting to make a little headway in getting out of debt again.  At the same time, he is home enough that Bell and I don't feel too lonely.  He has managed to be home enough to still get the yard mowed.  Thursday he went and bought groceries so I wouldn't have to.  When he is home, he plays laundry fairy and helps get some of that  stuff done that he did over the winter when he was home.  Last weekend, he dealt with leak in the fridge.  Today he will work a miracle on my vacuum cleaner.  He is doing more than his fair share.

I saw a beautiful necklace last week and commented on it, just in admiration, not hinting.  It, of course, showed up in a little box at our house on Mother's Day.  We have never made a big deal of those consumer driven days, Valentine's, Mother's Day, etc., instead just doing nice things for each other when we wanted, as we could afford them.  I fussed a little at his extravagance, but he doesn't buy things often and it is so lovely.  

Some women expect a pretty box and flowers at every turn.  But I have always thought I was spoiled in other more important ways.  Those boxes are grand, but in reality, the help with cooking, laundry, the kid, the groceries - all that matters far more.  The shoulder offered every night to curl up on and the kiss good bye every morning, the appreciative eyes that follow me around the house and the catching of bugs with the kid - that is stuff that makes my life sweet.

Last week end, I was allowed to spend a ridiculous amount of money buying flowers and plants for the flower beds, beds that I am admiring as I sip my coffee.  Rubilee and Harold are feeling good, so there is no rush or stress there.  have a Bountiful Basket to go pick up in a couple of hours, but for the moment, I am just going to enjoy the morning, the birds and the coffee, and that roll of thunder far off in the distance . . . Spoiled woman that I am.

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