Sunday, September 28, 2014

Happy Twelve

I am fairly certain that money has been made and lost.  I am fairly certain that wagers were made that we wouldn't last a year, surely not five, certainly not ten.  Today is happy twelve to us.  Tomorrow is my birthday, but I care not a whit about that.  What I am blissful about is that Jack Rucker still loves me.

We have certainly had ups and downs.  There were moments when I thought that that marrying me was surely a bad decision on Jack's part, times when I wondered if he had truly counted the costs of life with me.  But every year we get better at this, better at loving each other, at working together, at being gentle and passionate and friends and believing in each other.

I could go on and on and on about this man, about us, but it would get pathetically sappy.  Just know this:  I am deeply thankful we found each other, that we didn't choose other paths, that we choose each other every day.  Because that is what it takes - every day choosing life and love, not selfishness or pride.  Every day we choose us and the family we have together.

1 comment:

  1. I love your story. Here's to many many more happy years.
