Saturday, September 20, 2014

Who Is This Child?

I have been negligent in writing - it seems as that by the end of each day, I have enough oomph to read a few pages of something before I just give up on all intelligent thought.  It has been a good beginning to school, though a bit stressful (that rant is for a different post), but as always, there doesn't seem to be quite enough of me to go around.  Yesterday was different.  It was such odd day that it's glow was still with me when I woke up this morning.

For those of you who have met Isabella, you know she is not overly girly.  Her favorite clothes are no clothes.  I have given up making her wear anything more than underwear in the house.  When she goes places, the clothing and shoes have to plain- no frills, no ribbons, nothing very girly and especially no pink.  She only found two summer dresses she liked this year - each one navy blue knit - one with a batik print and one with a paisley print and she alternated those on Sunday all summer.  They were cute, but ultra plain.  Her hair can only be brushed and left down and unadorned.  Earrings are rare.  When I try to get her to buy clothes, the path involving the least tears and sulking is online and me saying "pick the shades of blue and green you like best."

  The kiddo is in an honor choir production next week and is supposed to dress up a bit like a teenager.  She (who only wears elastic waisted shorts that feel like pajamas) wanted jeans, flats, and a top, so off to Lawton we went.  I was dubious and figured that at the first store, she would just pick the first thing in her size and be done.  Boy, was I wrong.

Penney's had too much pink and the clothes in her size were too little girly cute.  Justice had only one acceptable top, but it wasn't in her size ( thank goodness, since it was almost $40).  Things picked up at Old Navy.  Several jeans were tried on until she found the look - skinny, but not super skinny or boy friend skinny. Alas, no shirt.  She really wanted a wide necked off the shoulder sweater, but I wasn't prepared for my 8 year old to look like she was working a street corner and no store had such a creation.  She assured me that Children's Place would only have little girl clothes, but was game to check it out.  Then the weirdest thing happened;  she opened her mouth and these words came out, "Ooohhh, that is cute.  I could wear it with jeans and wear it all the time."  She was pointing at a leopard print cardigan. How girly can you get? Then she spotted leopard print ballet flats and a hat.  I thought we had THE outfit.  She loved it, but the shoes didn't fit in any size and she wanted it all to look just right.  So she thought we should keep looking because she wanted these clothes just to wear everyday and  thought they weren't sparkly or fancy enough for on stage.  You could have pushed me over with a feather.  So on and on we looked, finally ending up in Dillards.  Hanging on the wall was a row of plaid short skirts with button down shirts, sweaters, and matching ties.  Too cute.  She actually asked to try some on.  I again thought we had found something that worked, but once again she wanted these clothes just to wear to church and school.  Then she spotted the clearance rack with wide necked (though not off the shoulder), flowing, sequined shirts in jewel tones.  This was it.  The one.  We actually left Dillards with both the sequined short and the skirt/shirt/sweater/tie ensemble because, well, it is so rare for Bella to really like any clothes and ask for them.  She actually spotted lots of other things she liked as well, but she was also getting hungry and it was getting late.

We ended the evening with her finding a pair of ballet flats that will look cute with jeans or the skirt and a visit to Claire's - that child had such a hard time deciding between hair flowers and head bands and earrings but managed to spend a good deal of my money.

The whole evening she chatted and held my hand in the mall.  She was funny and smart.  I don't often enjoy shopping for myself, much less with and for her, but we had so much fun last night.  It wasn't about her enjoying the clothes, it was about her being generally enthusiastic and fun about so etching that didn't involve bugs, bones, and video games.   I think if I am alone next time I go to town and leopard print sweater and hat are still there, I will have to get them.  Maybe for Christmas.  Maybe just because.

1 comment:

  1. I love her.

    I used to give my mom fits when we'd go clothes shopping. I most difficult in the shoe department. Trying on shoes was one big jokey performance and I was always sure to find the craziest pair. It drove her nuts.
