Saturday, June 1, 2013

Weekend Possibilities

Jack worked far into the night and then pulled a 12 hour day yesterday. The good news is that he is supposed to be off until Sunday evening.  He needs some time to recover from being sick the first half of the week - he picked up a bit of flu or perhaps a virus last weekend and just had a rough week of it.  It is hard to tell because he hasn't been smoking and he always gets sick right after he quits.  Whatever the cause, he doesn't handle fever well.   Bell has had a cold for a week, but doesn't seem to feel that bad - just tired.  She started out plugged up but now has just coughed and coughed And coughed.  I have checked her oxygen levels and they are good ( Harold has one of those nifty devices that reads your finger), but she was running a bit warm yesterday.  Maybe a good night's sleep and a slow morning will cure them.  I really hate to give her an antibiotic since Jack seemed to get over his okay.

I really hope they feel new by this afternoon.  I have a Bountiful Basket to pick up in the morning, but this evening my folks are a having a huge gathering at their house for my little sis's graduation party.  Mom said she thought there would be a crowd  over, our family plus friends from the church who are more than friends, who are almost family.  People who have watched Rachel grow up and who grew up with her.  Old and young, but family all the same.  There will be cousins for Bell to play with (and hopefully not fuss with), food on the grill, visiting and laughing, probably volleyball or horse riding or something for the young folks.

It is an 1 1/2 hour drove for us down and since we would just repeat the drive Sunday morning for church (yes, we still go to our old church),  we might stay at my grandparents' cabin since they aren't down right now.  It would let us go to bed at a decent hour and let my croupy family rest in a little more peace than if we took over the loft at my Mom's.  Avery the puppy will go since she is too small to stay out at night without being coyote snacks.

As much as I want to go and let Bell play with the other kids and let us have some fellowship time, we will just have to play it by ear.  I think Jack is over the hump, but Bell is a little iffy.  She is still coughing this morning.

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